OpenDaylight Summit 2014

January 22, 2014 in Systems1 minute

I will be at the OpenDaylight Summit in Santa Clara on February 4th and 5th.

To me, OpenDaylight represents a platform on which we can test SDN ideas today, right here, and right now. In my day job I may never be called upon to help deploy OpenDaylight (here’s hoping!) but nonetheless, it’s projects like this where the best and the brightest come together to share ideas and help to form the technology that the industry will be using for the next few decades. Companies like Red Hat, Plexxi, Cisco, and much more are dedicating folks to contributing their ideas to this project, and though my schedule as of late has kept me from writing as much code as I would have liked, I’ll continue do what I can to support this project.

I’m looking forward to attending, meeting new people and catching up with old friends, and of course learning a ton from what will undoubtedly be an army of incredibly smart networking folks. My schedule is still getting worked out, and I have a few existing commitments already but if you want to meet for drinks or anything, feel free to let me know on Twitter.